We can help you!
Dokters van de Wereld provides care and can assist you in finding medical help. Our consultations are free of charge and confidential. As a neutral (non-governmental) organization we do not pass any personal information to others except for other health care providers if necessary. Even if you don’t have money to pay for the costs or even when you have been refused by a doctor we can help and advise you how to access health care. Our volunteers can help you with our following services:
The Zorgbus is a medical unit on wheels in Amsterdam. You don’t need an appointment to see our doctors. Click here for more information about the Zorgbus.
Click here for locations and consultation hours.
Our Zorgcafés (Care Cafés) in Amsterdam, Nijmegen and Utrecht are welcoming places where you can go with questions about your health and Dutch healthcare. We can refer you to appropriate medical care.
Click here for locations and opening hours.
Dokters van de Wereld offers general practitioner care at the Medical Post in Amsterdam. This clinic is intended for people who find it difficult to access regular care, in particular for people without residence papers (undocumented migrants).
Click here for location and making an appointment.
Psychological symptoms can cause you a lot of problems in your everyday life. That’s why it’s important to ask for help. There’s no need to be embarrassed about asking for help. Dokters van de Wereld has special consultations to offer support.
Click here to make an appointment in Amsterdam
Are you in need of dental care? Sometimes we can link you to a volunteer dentist. For information send us an email at mondzorg@doktersvandewereld.org.
E-mail usClick here to find out more about our program, our activities and how we can assist you.
Contact details
E-mail : srg@doktersvandewereld.org
Whatsapp : +31630261611
We are available on business days and we aim to respond within 3 business days.